Family Treatment CourtFamily Treatment Court is a voluntary program available to Palm Beach County parents with open dependency cases where substance use is a primary factor for one or both parents. The program provides additional recovery supports and accountability through treatment coordination, peer support, child-parent psychotherapy, frequent court appearances, random drug testing, responses to behavior and services for the children.
Juvenile Drug CourtJuvenile Drug Court assists court-involved youth with substance use issues obtain and maintain sobriety. The program offers participants, ages 13-17, individualized support from a dedicated Drug Court team. Juvenile Drug Court provides intensive judicial oversight through frequent court appearances, individual/family/group treatment services, random drug screens, educational support and monitoring, incentives and sanctions.
Early Childhood CourtEarly Childhood Court is a collaborative, therapeutic, problem solving team approach for families in Dependency Court that have children between the ages of 0-5 years old. The goal of Early Childhood Court is to improve child safety and well-being, change the experience and outcomes of children in the child welfare system, heal trauma and repair the parent-child relationship, expedite permanency, and stop the intergenerational cycle of abuse, neglect and violence.
Addiction Affects Everyone
Our clients are from all walks of life, from every ethnic and socio-economic group. Addiction affects everyone in the family and in the community. It especially affects the children. We are positioned to help these innocent little people through this time with as little long-term negative marks as possible. Children yearn to go home and want to be with the parents. The Drug Courts' job is to make sure that when reunification happens, the family has the skills to live a loving and productive life.